2018 年創立於港都高雄,三位創辦人匯集多年保養美妝品牌研發、製造技術與通路行銷經驗
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Founded in Taiwan Kaohsiung,
FASCINÉ is a cosmetic brand that encourages individuals to practice their own independent philosophy of life.

- Branding Concept -
品牌 logo 以字母「F」作為主要標誌,結合珠寶裝飾與露珠意象,象徵品牌於自然中萃取出純粹精華
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FASCINÉ uses“F”as the main sign of logo, and the shape combines jewelry with the dewdrop image, symbolizing our pure essence which extracts from the nature will bring consumers more confidence and beauty.

品牌名稱 FASCINÉ 源自於法文「著迷」,字根 FASC 原意為追求之意,因此團隊秉持「追求更迷人的狀態」為使命,選用天然的成份為肌膚提供細緻呵護、友善的服務協助消費者認識自我膚況、單純的使用步驟為生活留下更多時間,協助每一個妳和你在追求更理想的狀態時,都能回歸簡單,賦予自己更多可能。
Derived from the French“ fascination”,The brand name FASCINÉ means pursue. Therefore, we aim for“pursuing the ideal life”by selecting natural ingredients to provide meticulous care , supplying best service to help our customers understand their skin, and the easiest maintenance procedure to save time. We should like to assist everyone to back to simplicity and explore more possibilities of yourself.
Client : FASCINÉ / 梵 熙 婗
Art Direction : Chen Wu / 吳 箏
Copy Direction : Marcy Lai / 賴 宣 羽