腥 色 招 貼
資本社會崇尚消費文化,商品與生活息息相關,日常用品也可以與藝術產生互動,並以商業的手法進行創作。 特意以誇張的廣告推銷手法拍攝這組作品,佐上強烈鮮明背景色與特殊標準字,藉由攝影與平面設計的結合,並以看似鮮豔的腥色招貼形式去暗示對於人造食品詭異的諷刺。這樣的刻意使得觀看影像的慣性遭到移轉,讓影像充滿明亮卻詭譎的特質。
This project is commissioned by fashion magazine O'logy Mag whose columns focus on different issues, including sarcasm on food in modern era.
The boom of Western fast food culture paralyses our ability to identify the original look of food and does great influence on Asian dining scenes these days. Food storage techniques give the same appearance to all kinds of food. To convey the creepiness of these processed food, Chen applies commercial photography techniques and uses unique typography and contrasting colours in the background, an integration of photography and graphic design. When these cans are opened, the food coloured with fancy tones suggests people’s desires to intake colourful food, and the package makes itself the coffin of food. Is it for praise or for sarcasm that those attractive products are displayed on the bright and tidy metal shelves?
攝影 / 設計 吳箏 Chen Wu
模特 李宜樺 Hua Li