鹽島計畫_Salt Island Project
Collaborating with Kinmen County Government, Chen reinterprets Kinmen’s culture and aesthetic with his design. Lieyu as the intermediate point between Taiwan and China, in the island of the island's interaction, and gradually form the island's exclusive identity and imagination: whether it is military, wanderers, tourists or residents all have self memory. It is in cooperation with the Kinmen County Cultural Bureau planning the concept exhibits for Lieyu, with a new experimental visual vocabulary for the re-interpretation of the culture.

海沙漏_Sea hourglass
Lieyu's history originated in Sui and Tang dynasties, Song and Yuan dynasties set up on the island salt field. Salt also represents the ocean. Use salt as the main concept, the hourglass for its image carrier, hope in writing can remember the time in this piece of land piled up in the past, people rethink the history, The future of the rotation, and then cherish the moment now.

包裝慨念_Package Concept
The Taiwan Strait, also known as the black ditch, has the symbolic nature of this early island. So the choice of black metal cans as the main packaging structure, the concept of the letter to the letter we will pack the time to pack, send a time to give him / her share of the most sincere wishes.

Concept and Visual System Design / 概念&視覺 : Chen Wu | 吳箏
Copywriter / 文案&企劃 : Marcy Lai | 賴宣羽
ProductsDesign / 產品設計&3D建模 : WU,PANG-HAN | 吳邦漢
Chinese Typography Design / 中文標準字 : Chen Wu | 吳箏
Client / 委託者 : 金門縣文化局 | Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County Library