Music is not limited to the world of sounds. There exists a music of the visual world-Oskar Fischinger
嘗試跳脫以往金曲獎高貴、3D為主的視覺風格,大玩Flat Design,放進年輕、明亮、活潑、大色塊的設計元素。
We experimented with flat design, adding young and bright color blocks to think out of the traditional, elegant and 3D-driven GMA elements.
The visual design this year sticks to the idea of “media of music”. Media change as time goes by, but the energy of music is eternal.
The visual design this year sticks to the idea of “media of music”. Media change as time goes by, but the energy of music is eternal.

However, we think good design should not only stick to the theme but also have good sense of humor, so we elaborate the main idea with funny wits in 27 nominee clips.
For instance, CDs showed up as ham was sliced into pieces in Best Album Producer's clip, rookie broke the shell of egg in Best New Artist's, and baton caught a CD to represent the Best Instrumental Recording Album.
In addition, before playing commercials, the letters of GMA, title of the ceremony, extended to five interesting music devices such as retro cassette type, LP, iPod, VHS and CD so that the design brought out unique sense of music, to arouse the audiences’ memory towards old time as well as pop culture.
Kudos and thanks to everyone on the team.

Client:源活YOUNG HOPE / 三點水娛樂製作股份有限公司 3AQUA Entertainment
Design Agency:Bito
Executive Creative Director :劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu
Art Director:劉熙真 Hsi-Jen Liu
Designer:李宜軒 Kelly Li / 吳箏 Chen Wu / 曾致勻 Zhyun Tseng
Animator : 莊仲凱 Kyle Jhuang / 朱哲頡 Che-Chieh Chu / 高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao / 曾致勻 Zhyun Tseng / 吳箏 Chen Wu / 陳柏尹 Bruce Chen / 陳柏豪 Kforce Chen / 齊慕夷 Morris Chi / 詹游丞 Yo Cheng / 楊竣弼 Rivers Yang / 余韋呈 Wei-Chen Yu
Executive Producer:彭乃芸 Naiyun Peng
Subtitle : 葉子寬 Francis Yeh
Music: 三十而立 Sincerely Music
Music Director:陳品先 Stanley Chen
Music Producer :孟欣亞 Shin Child
Mixing: 林尚伯 Lin Shang Po / 杰林影音薪傳 JL Music & Video Production
Voice Over: 謝佳璋 Shieh ChiaChang、余佳蓓
Montage Edit: 朱哲頡 Che-Chieh Chu
Montage Music:Proper Up 正 / 顧忠山 Lawrence Ku
Design Agency:Bito
Executive Creative Director :劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu
Art Director:劉熙真 Hsi-Jen Liu
Designer:李宜軒 Kelly Li / 吳箏 Chen Wu / 曾致勻 Zhyun Tseng
Animator : 莊仲凱 Kyle Jhuang / 朱哲頡 Che-Chieh Chu / 高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao / 曾致勻 Zhyun Tseng / 吳箏 Chen Wu / 陳柏尹 Bruce Chen / 陳柏豪 Kforce Chen / 齊慕夷 Morris Chi / 詹游丞 Yo Cheng / 楊竣弼 Rivers Yang / 余韋呈 Wei-Chen Yu
Executive Producer:彭乃芸 Naiyun Peng
Subtitle : 葉子寬 Francis Yeh
Music: 三十而立 Sincerely Music
Music Director:陳品先 Stanley Chen
Music Producer :孟欣亞 Shin Child
Mixing: 林尚伯 Lin Shang Po / 杰林影音薪傳 JL Music & Video Production
Voice Over: 謝佳璋 Shieh ChiaChang、余佳蓓
Montage Edit: 朱哲頡 Che-Chieh Chu
Montage Music:Proper Up 正 / 顧忠山 Lawrence Ku